Saturday, January 16, 2016

Plate Spinning

Do you ever feel like you are spinning plates?

Sometimes I call it "multi-tasking".  Sometimes I am better at it than others.  The thing is I can only keep up with it for so long. How about you? How good are you at it?

Trying to manage a home and all the silly chores of making sure it is up and running is one plate.  Not keeping your house perfect or show-ready, just tidy.  Clean clothes and underwear. Clean dishes to eat off of. Keeping dust off the tv so you can watch it.

Then there's their education.  Either making sure they get to school and do their homework when they are home OR if you're like me and homeschool, teaching them. Get those lesson plans done so that there's a goal.  Grade those papers and make sure the kids are "getting it" and not falling behind.

How about nutrition and sustenance? Let's keep that plate spinning, too.  These people need to eat.  Breakfast. Lunch. And dinner.  Sometimes snack, in between, too.  They keep coming back.  Must eat. More food. Spin that plate.

With all that, what about the bills and making sure the electricity doesn't get shut off?  Or the water bill.  They need to shower and get cleaned up occasionally.  And no one wants to take a cold shower. So, better make sure the gas bill is paid.  Better balance that checkbook, too. And, write that tithe check to your church or charity.

If you work outside the home, there's that plate, too. Getting to and from your job.  Staying focused and productive while doing all you can do as a devoted employee.

Don't forget the plate of your significant other.  Keep them feeling important and loved.  Be sure that you show your affection in a way that they value receiving it.

What about extra-curricular activities? Children have sports and academics.  They need to get there. Who is going to get them there? If not you, then arrange for a ride to and from said location. Or perhaps you have a hobby or try to stay fit. That time needs to be managed and made to fit in the schedule of everything else.

So many plates.  More than I can list here. So much spinning.  Some start slipping.  Some are slowing down.  Oh, no! Not that one! That one is my kids!  That one needs to keep going.  But, wait! Through the corner of my eye, I see that one is teetering.  Get back to it.  Spin it.  Keep it spinning. Keep them all spinning.

It's so tiring. It's so draining. I can't do it. Lord Jesus, help me.  Help me focus my eyes on you.  On you, Jesus.

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