Thursday, January 22, 2009

To Nurse or Not to Nurse

How do we decide when we are done nursing?

I always plan to nurse for at least a year. Of course, I hope that it falls in line with God's plan ;o) A month before Dallas turned one, he seemed ready to be done. There was little interest. He was just too busy getting around and into stuff to stop and enjoy a little rest time. I thought that was a good time to stop, however when I tried, he had other plans. Little Mr. D insisted. So, now as he approaches his fourteenth month, I can't help but wonder if he's ready. I feel like a contradiction. It sure hurts when his little teeth get the better of me. But, I love the intimacy I still have with him when I can look down into those eyes that resemble beautiful brown pools of utter love.

The quandary continues... To Nurse or Not to Nurse :o)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Silly ole Puter

Well, from my other posts, you may have read that my 'puter crashed over the summer. Being too broke to buy a new one, one of my friends (who shall remain nameless, Kristy :o) tried to fix it. Unfortunately, "fixing it" only made it worse. It took me about 1/2hour to wait for it to start once turned on. Then, if I wanted to look anything up on the internet, that took another two hours. It was not pretty and tested the fruit of self control (to not throw the thing threw the window or use harsh words.) Low and behold, kind friend that she is, Kristy is lending me one of her old computers until I get a new one. Thanks to her, I can now resume blogging (among various other important online activities such as research for my homeschool junior high son's papers). YEAH!!!