Monday, November 9, 2015

Please, Scrutinize My Work

It's so odd to be analyzed, To be under a microscope. To be scrutinized.  It's even weirder to invite it upon yourself.  And, yet, in this new endeavor I am doing just that.

I started blogging to express on "paper" (or on a laptop) my experiences in this life I'm living.  I wanted to use it as a tool to slow down a bit.  To reflect and relish the adventures I'm on.  And, it's worked out well.  If no other person read a word of what I've written, it wouldn't change a thing.  I will have accomplished EXACTLY what I set out to do. Document.

But, one crazy move and everything shifts.  The words I so carefully and yet nonchalantly placed on this paper are now the object of someone's criticism.  Granted I brought it upon myself. I am the one that applied to be a writer at a magazine that highlights where I live (Texas Hill Country magazine). Image result for texas hill country magazinePhoto credit:

It's intimidating to no longer dash words onto paper watching joyfully where they land.  But now, to cautiously calculate each consonant and punctuation. To be so deliberate can be ominous.  I'm feeling very small.  And, very excited.