Friday, February 20, 2009

I-wanna' blog all niiiiight, and party everyday

Not really, just had that song in my head. My kids rock :) Here's an update...

So, this week, my youngest son has been responding to us with a tilting head sideways and a high-pitched "Hi-eye." Soooo cute! He even plays with his little plastic phone and puts it on his ear to say it. It just tickles all of us to death. He is also loving to say his word for bread, which we hear as, "Bob." haa haa haa. Sooo cute!

My eldest son was recommended to be a part of something called M4. He will be going on a student retreat next weekend called DNow. It's an awesome time of learning, worship and fellowship. During that weekend, he'll get some extra opportunities for learning... "a group of eight students will get to spend some additional face time with the guest speaker from England. (Paul has described him as the best speaker he has heard in his lifetime.)This is designed for those individuals whom have demonstrated an intensity toward reaching out to others with Christ's love - whether that be in their schools, home-school groups or neighborhoods. I'm so happy for him and I'm so proud of him. He doesn't let age be a barrier. He just is who he is. I think he is a wonderful person!

And, my crazy little lady. She's so precious. She has her second gymnastics meet this Sunday. Sad that it's during church since we are ALWAYS there. She doesn't have a knack or passion to practice her craft. She does have a bent towards "messing around" and she's a professional at that! So, this week, I've been trying to encourage her (without yelling or threats) to practice. She has been doing a better job. Hopefully, she'll have a blast on Sunday and do relatively well. She loves winning, but hasn't quite the maturity to connect practice with excelling. :o) She'll grasp that someday.