Thursday, October 20, 2011

Has It Been That Long?

It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I last posted. To say we've been busy is probably an understatement. I will best update rather than looking back at what I've missed.

I am expecting our fourth child and am very excited, though I wish my body would catch up with my mind. I am five months and still experiencing "morning sickness". So far the pregnancy has been an adventure with two trips to the ER. My first time was for hyperemesis (continuous vomiting to the point of not holding down water). That stint only lasted a weekend and the baby and I were just fine. My second trip was for what I thought was a heart attack. After an EKG and a chest X-ray, it turns out it was only an allergic reaction to an insect sting. Again, the baby and I were just fine. I'm looking forward to four more months of this pregnancy and hope that my body is able to catch up with the excitement.

While pregnant, I am still homeschooling my other three children: Wyatt (15, sophomore), Tatum (7, 2nd grade) and Dallas (3, preschool). We started our school year a few weeks later than others since we didn't have all our books in time. Not to fear, since starting, we haven't looked back. And, to say that teaching three children in three different stages is a challenge is fairly accurate. Though, that is a challenge I am up for.

Wyatt has been in the stage of teaching himself for quite some time. He is given his books and weekly assignments and left to get it done. I am there as back-up to help if needed. Although, at this point, the student has exceeded the master :o) He is taking Chemistry/Lab, Literature, AP Geography, and Economics outside the home. So, my job as his main teacher is to make sure he is managing time well to get assignments done as well as understanding material. He is also involved in a local weekly Speech and Debate Club. It very intense and requires a lot of extra time on his part. But, he is enjoying the fellowship with other hard-working students and challenged to learn more than he ever thought possible on government and tax laws. In addition to all that, he also volunteers at our church on the worship team playing keyboard and singing occasionally. He prepares by practicing the assigned songs and also practicing daily for his weekly piano lessons. Music is one of his passions and a true stress relief for him. He is a very busy boy and I'm really seeing a change in him becoming a young man.

Tatum is my surprise this year. I'm not sure why I am constantly being surprised by her. I know she is smart, but she keeps "wow-ing" me with how much she retains and her eager attitude. She has been beating me to the directions and starting and finishing her lesson before I ever explain it to her. She is whizzing along in Math, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading, and Science. My main opportunity to help her is in English and History which I love. We follow a "classical model" for school and that means we go in chronological order for History. It is so much fun to learn and re-learn along-side her. In addition to her studies, she is also on a competitive gymnastics team which calls for 8 hours at the gym as well as additional time at home conditioning. She is working hard.

Dallas, sweet Dallas is our mascot and rolls with all the punches. He doesn't have a daily school routine, yet, but he has a love of learning. So, whatever I put in front of him, he is eager to accomplish. Some days it may be play-doh and coloring pages, or painting and pegs, or puzzles and flash cards. He loves to play make-believe with just about anything (figurines, stuffed animals, kitchen, cars, swords, guns, etc.) He watches his fair share of t.v. and probably more than I would like. It's usually when I am helping one of the older kids or doing chores. And though he isn't involved in any extra-curricular activities yet, he is always pretending that he is "Guys, today at basketball practice my friend made a basket".

We are all enjoying time with friends when we attend Park Days or field trips. And, the little kids and I have been going to Fitness & Friends for kids ages 5-10. I have also been coordinating Moms' Night Outs and parties for other homeschool families.

So, after our strong start to this school year, I hope that the momentum sticks with us. And, hopefully, it won't be "that long" before the next time I post a blog :o)