Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fall Semester Over

Time passes so quickly. I am living life and look up--- it's already time for Thanksgiving.

We spent the semester at Dominion Equippers and that was a good choice. Wyatt was able to take Advanced Math, Physics, and World History. Tatum was able to take American Girl, Geography and Global Art. Dallas did preschool with me in the fellowship hall while Sissy and Bubba were in class.

Classes there were good and positive. Both kids got high marks and had sweet experiences. Tatum did a country report on Swaziland. Wyatt did a group presentation on Leonardo da Vinci.

With the kids' ages being so far apart, our schedule can get quite challenging. Being at DE two days a week was a little tough. I am looking to do something one day per week.

We may try a Co-op called Sonlight. Lots of folks there we know already. They meet once a week. Seems like a perfect fit. For now, we will just enjoy our Thanksgiving !